Enviado por Andrew Batey em sex, 28/04/2017 - 13:46
Emigdio Cuesta Pino is a graduate in Theology from the Pontifical Javeriana University based in Bogotá. Specialist in Management of the Pontifical University Bolivariana/Missionary Institute of Anthropology. He is a member of the Team of National Coordination of Afro-Colombian Pastoral Theology and of the Corporation Centre of Afro-Colombian Pastoral Theology. Between 2007 and 2008 he was delegate of the afro sector of the Executive Commission of the National Plan of Action for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. He has been Executive Secretary of the National Convergence of Afro-Colomb8ian Organisations since 2005 and a founding member of the Life Foundation. He has assisted the afro-Colombian organisations and communities inhabiting the Medio Atrato, Chocó region and Antioquia region, in the elaboration of their Life Plans and has provided support to afro urban communities in Bogotá. He has written various pieces, lectured at conferences and led workshops on Afro-Colombian culture and identity in Latin America, Africa and Europe.