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Latin American Anti-racism in a 'Post-Racial' Age - LAPORA


Based in São Paulo, Brazil, Manifesto Crespo, founded in 2011, is a cultural collective led by four Black women, who pursue strategies for contesting racism through processes of bodily empowerment, valorizing the particularities and potentialities of Black bodies ( Through initiatives such as the award-winning project “Tecendo e Trançando Arte” (weaving and braiding art), they focus on the characteristics of curly black hair and how it can be appreciated and cared for in creative ways. The collective aims to promote the self-esteem of black women, and reconnect them to their origins and memories within the African diaspora, via activities such as the “Estampando Saberes”  (printing knowledges) project that promoted the art of stamping objects with adinkra (Ashanti symbols).