Mara Viveros Vigolla
PhD in Anthropology, School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences of Paris (EHESS); Master's degree in Latin American Studies, Institut des Hautes Etudes sur L'Amérique Latine (IHEAL) at Paris III University; Economist, National University of Colombia.
Associate Professor of the School of Gender Studies and Department of Anthropology of the National University of Colombia where she has taught and developed research projects since 1998. Co-director of the Research Group "Interdisciplinary Group on Gender Studies." From the second half of 2016 she is the Director of the School of Gender Studies.
Her research interests include issues related to the relationship between differences and social inequalities; theories of gender and sexuality; men and masculinities; biopolitics and sexualities; the intersections of gender, sexuality, class, race and ethnicity in the social dynamics of Latin American societies. She is the author of De quebradores y cumplidores: sobre hombres, masculinidades y relaciones de género en Colombia (2002); she is editor of Saberes culturas y derechos sexuales en Colombia (2006), and Raza, etnicidad y sexualidades: ciudadanía y multiculturalismo en América Latina (2008); she is the author of “Sexuality and Desire in Racialized Contexts” (in Understanding Global Sexualities: New Frontiers, 2012), “From Whitened Miscegenation to Tri-ethnic Multiculturalism: Race and Ethnicity in Colombia” (in Pigmentocracies: Ethnicity, Race and Color in Latin America, 2014), and “Sex/Gender” (in The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theory, 2016).