Venezuelan, born in Cúa, a town on the outskirts of Caracas. He studied Anthropology at the Universidad Central de Venezuela and has a M.A. in Anthropology from FLACSO, Ecuador. He investigated the territorial conflict of the Yukpa Caribbean group on the border between Colombia and Venezuela, highlighting the role of indigenous leadership in the recovery of territories, within a violent context of interethnic relations and state resistance to the enforcement of laws that protect indigenous communities. He has also carried out research on the corporeality and the role played by aesthetic colonial patterns in shaping a "national body" in Venezuela. These experiences have led him to try to understand the intersection between political agency and social power structures, highlighting elements for the transformation of both. Around these topics he has written:
"The body in the Bolivarian revolution". In Ten Years of Revolution in Venezuela: History, Balances and Perspectives (1999-2009), compiled by Mario Ayala and Pablo Quintero. Buenos Aires: Editorial Maipue. ISBN: 978-987-9493-52-6
Life, blood and territory in the Sierra de Perija-Venezuela: Visions of struggle of the cacique yukpa Sabino Romero as a social and historical drama. 2016. Master's thesis (publication mention). Flacso.
He received a scholarship for his master program in Flacso and from the project that ProIndígena-GIZ maintains with this institution. He was a militant in groups of new masculinities. He is currently is collaborating on a book about the memory of African-American players and racism in Venezuelan baseball. He has also served as editor and proofreader. He has received writing awards as in Venezuela, for the publication of short stories and novels in magazines and books in his country and in Catalonia, Spain.