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Latin American Anti-racism in a 'Post-Racial' Age - LAPORA


Chao Racismo is organization created in Cali, Colombia, in 2011 by lawyer Ray Charrupí - son of Pascual Charrupí (1941-1999), a university professor and anti-racist activist, and nephew of  Néstor Charrupí, one of the first Black judges in Colombia. The stimulus was a lawsuit which Charrupí filed against Hola magazine for publishing a cover photo that was widely deemed racist for showing black women in demeaning positions.

Chao Racismo is made up of about 12 women and men who generate campaigns, programmes and actions to raise awareness of racism in Cali, Bogotá and Cartagena. The organization has various programmes and activities, including the following:

  • It created a Certificate of Inclusion for companies that have employment policies that are inclusive of Afro-Colombians.
  • It has promoted meetings and congresses on Inclusive Marking and Advertising, in order to sensitize advertising executives and businessmen to the issue of racism.
  • In the cultural sphere, from 2014 onwards Chao Racismo coordinated a musical event called Kilele, within the framework of the annual Petronio Álvarez Festival (a major Cali city festival promoting music, dance and culture from Colombia’s predominantly Afro-Colombian Pacific coast region).
  • In 2015, the organization managed an X-Factor-style youth project in the Black city of Buenaventura on the Pacific coast.
  • In 2016 it organised an Urban Party in a poor area of Cali, with a large Black population, with the aim of reducing violence among urban youth.