Mónica Moreno Figueroa is Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow in Social Sciences at Downing College, Cambridge. Her research has primarily developed around three areas: the lived experience of ‘race’ and racism; feminist theory and the interconnections between beauty, emotions and racism; visual methodologies and applied research collaborations. She completed an undergraduate degree in Media and Communication at the Universidad Iberoamericana, León, Mexico in 1996, before moving to the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, to study an MA in Sociology. In 1999, she travelled to the UK to do an MA in Gender, Culture and Modernity at Goldsmiths College, London, where she stayed to take a PhD in Sociology. She has lectured at Goldsmiths and Birkbeck College, London, University of Nottingham, Newcastle University, Princeton University and El Colegio de Mexico.
An integral part of her academic work has been her commitment to explore different forms of engaged and engaging sociology with a deep concern for social justice. This has taken her to develop colaborations and projects that aim to make racism public. In the summer of 2011, Mónica co-founded the Collective COPERA (Colectivo para Eliminar el Racismo en Mexico: https://colectivocopera.org/) with the leadership of Dr Emiko Saldivar (University of California-SB) and Dr Alicia Castellanos (UAM-Iztapalapa), which has now grown to include a wider group of academics and activists. The collective has been developing a series of initiatives to make racism public in Mexico, visibilise racism in its multiple forms of expression in the country and incorporate a 'race' and racism perspective in public policy and social activism. COPERA is part of the Network of Antiracist Action and Research, RAIAR
More info here: https://research.sociology.cam.ac.uk/profile/dr-monica-moreno-figueroa https://colectivocopera.org/monica-moreno-figueroa/ https://cambridge.academia.edu/MonicaMorenoFigueroa Photograph by Dr Imke van Heerden (CRASHH), May 2017, Cambridge, UK