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Latin American Anti-racism in a 'Post-Racial' Age - LAPORA


Policy Briefings

These 12-page documents provide an overview of the key findings of the LAPORA project:

Policy Briefing (English)        Resumen Informativo        Resumo Informativo

Read here (English)                  leer aquí (Español)                 Leia aqui (Português)


Fact Sheets

You can also download shorter factsheets for Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Ecuador, which give a quick and accessible guide to racism and anti-racism in each country:


Selected Bibliography on Racism in Ecuador

For those interested in bibliography available in collections located in Quito, Ecuador, our team has compiled a selected list, as of July 2017. You can find resources available at the library of FLACSO, Ecuador here. Resources located at Universidad Andina are available in this link. For a selection of audio resources from the Juan García collection hosted at Universidad Andina please click here. In addition, please find a selectin of public policy documents following this link. For a selection of resources at the Centro Andino de Acción Popular, CAAP, follow this link.


Related Projects

Read more at: Publications


Read the books, chapters, articles and special issues that have derived from research on the LAPORA project.