Maura Nasly Mosquera is a lawyer and specialist in Project Management and International Cooperation. She has a wealth of experience in the creation, implementation and evaluation of public policy with a focus on ethnicity and gender. She has been member of the National Follow-Up Committee of the 1257 law ‘Non-Violence against Women’; the Network of Afro-Latin American, Afro-Caribbean and the Diaspora Women; the National Women’s Network of Colombia; the Afro-Pastoral Team of Bogotá; the Group of Afro-Descendant Leaders UNICEF Regional and the Group of Expert Afro-Lawyers in the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights; the Technical Team of the Conference of Afro-Colombian Organisations; the National Coordination of the Trade with Justice Campaign - My Rights are Non-Negotiable and the Promotion Team of the Colombian National Coalition of Gender and Justice. She has also participated in the formation of national and international coalitions, alliances and platforms for afro-descendant and women’s social movements.
Emigdio Cuesta Pino is a graduate in Theology from the Pontifical Javeriana University based in Bogotá. Specialist in Management of the Pontifical University Bolivariana/Missionary Institute of Anthropology. He is a member of the Team of National Coordination of Afro-Colombian Pastoral Theology and of the Corporation Centre of Afro-Colombian Pastoral Theology. Between 2007 and 2008 he was delegate of the afro sector of the Executive Commission of the National Plan of Action for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. He has been Executive Secretary of the National Convergence of Afro-Colomb8ian Organisations since 2005 and a founding member of the Life Foundation. He has assisted the afro-Colombian organisations and communities inhabiting the Medio Atrato, Chocó region and Antioquia region, in the elaboration of their Life Plans and has provided support to afro urban communities in Bogotá. He has written various pieces, lectured at conferences and led workshops on Afro-Colombian culture and identity in Latin America, Africa and Europe.
Doctor in Latin American Studies by the UNAM. Member of the National System of Researchers Level 3, and regular member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. He has specialized in political and social history in Latin America in the 20th century. He has particularly investigated Mexico's political and intellectual ties with Latin America, the history of exiles and political refugees in Latin America; And the history of migration, discrimination and racism in postrevolutionary Mexico. He has taught, lectures and has been a guest researcher at different universities in Mexico, Latin America, the United States of America and Europe. Some of his investigations have been awarded with recognitions and mentions such as the Prize Francisco X. Clavijero, Salvador Azuela and the Mexican Committee of Historical Sciences.
Originally from Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, she holds a PhD in Anthropology from Stanford University, and is currently Professor of Research at the Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS) in Mexico City. She trained in the office of writing through journalism working from the age of 18 as a writer in a Central American press agency and since her student years has combined her academic work with the work of dissemination by penetrating radio, video and the written press. Her research work has focused on defending the rights of women and indigenous peoples in Latin America. She has lived and conducted field research in Mexican indigenous communities in the states of Chiapas, Guerrero and Morelos, with Guatemalan refugees on the southern border, as well as with North African migrants in Spain.
She has published twenty-two books as a sole author or publisher and her work has been translated into English, Spanish, French and Japanese. During 2003 she received the LASA / Oxfam Martin Diskin Memorial Award shared with Dr. Rodolfo Stavenhagen for her contributions to socially committed research and in 2013 obtained the Simón Bolívar Chair awarded by the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom.
Alicia Castellanos is a research professor at the Division of Social Sciences and Humanities at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa in Mexico City. She belongs to the National System of Researchers, level 2. Her lines of research are interethnic relations, racism and the process of autonomy. Castellanos Guerrero specializes in areas such as ethnology and Social Sciences in general. She has numerous publications in indexed books and journals.
reporter and journalist of the weekly newspaper Trinchera and Diario Alternativo. He also has worked for the newspaper El Sur, La Jornada/El Sur, La Costa and El Faro de la Costa Chica among others. Phonographer, writer, and poet, but also member of the Trade Union and Cultural Promoter. He specialize in Afro India Culture of the Costa Chica in the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca. He has been a historian of Cuajinicuilapa, Guerrero. He has written the articles compilation called Los hijos del Machomula, Monografía de Cuiajinicuilapa, and also he wrote a compilations of called Preceptos de Juglaría and Dias Epigramáticos. He also has write a tales book Tres cuentos verdaderos.