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Latin American Anti-racism in a 'Post-Racial' Age - LAPORA


Krisna Ruette-Orihuela

I completed my undergraduate studies in Anthropology at the Universidad Central de Venezuela in 1999 and finished my masters and Ph.D. in Anthropology at the University of Arizona, US in 2011. My doctoral dissertation “The Left-turn of Multiculturalism: Indigenous and Afrodescendant Movements in Northwestern Venezuela” analysed the effects of multiculturalism on the relationship of ethno-racial social movements and the Venezuelan state. I have also been a researcher and teacher at the Anthropology Center of the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research where I recently coordinated collaborative projects among afrodescendant movements and indigenous religious organizations in Lara and Yaracuy and with Afro-indigenous cocoa producers in the central coast of Venezuela. I have also taught courses in the School of Anthropology of the Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Currently, I am a Research Associate at the Department of Social Anthropology of the University of Manchester, participating in the project "Latin American Antiracism in a ‘Post-Racial’ Age". My main academic interests lie at the intersection of race, ethnicity, social mobilization, and state multiculturalism. My present research practice involves conducting political ethnography among indigenous and Afrodescendant organizations in Colombia, in order to interrogate their anti-racist strategies and discourses.

My publications include “Cimarronaje institucional: ethno-racial legal status and subversive institutionalization of Afrodescendant organizations in Bolivarian Venezuela”, with H. Caballero (Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 2017), “Remembering the Slave Rebellion of Coro: Historical Memory and Politics in Venezuela” with C. Soriano (Ethnohistory, 63, 2016),  “Somos Afro-socialistas: Marcos de Acción Colectiva y Etno-racialización del Movimiento Rural Afroyaracuyano en Veroes-Venezuela. (Tabula Rasa, 2014), “Mujeres Afrodescendientes en la lucha por la tierra” with S. Landinez (Revista Memorias de la Insurgencia, 2010).