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Latin American Anti-racism in a 'Post-Racial' Age - LAPORA


Gisela Carlos Fregoso is a Research Associate in the Department of Sociology. Gisela’s research focuses on the circulation of racism from public policy in higher education to everyday racism in classrooms. She is currently working on Dr. Monica Moreno’s ERSC project Latin American Anti Racism in a “Post Racial” Age, which consists of the study of anti-racial practices in four countries: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico. In particular, Gisela’s work focuses on Mexico, exploring fields such as arts, the role of mass media, NGO and governmental institutions as potential promoters of anti-racial practices in this country. Gisela’s previous research considered affirmative actions in Latin American and in Mexico particularly, as a complex scenario that reflects the results of the mestizaje (mixed race) policies of the last decades and the remains of historical and epistemological colonialism. Gisela Carlos Fregoso earned her Phd from the Institute of Educational Research at University of Veracruz in Mexico.

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