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Latin American Anti-racism in a 'Post-Racial' Age - LAPORA


I am a postdoctoral Research Associate at the Department of Social Anthropology of the University of Manchester, participating in the project "Latin American Antiracism in a ‘Post-Racial’ Age and I will be conducting ethnographic research in Brazil. I completed my undergraduate studies in Social Sciences at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 2005 and I finished my master and PhD in Sociocultural Anthropology with a focus on African Diaspora Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, US (2008-2014). I was a recipient of the IAF Grassroots Development Fellowship and my doctoral dissertation “Outraged Mothering: Black Women, Racial Violence and the Power of Emotions in Rio de Janeiro’ African Diaspora” focused on Black mothers’ activism against urban violence. I have been a post-doctoral researcher at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (CAPES/FAPERJ), where I investigated the system of criminal justice flow in cases of homicides committed by the police in Rio de Janeiro. I am a researcher associated to the Study Group on Violence in the Baixada Fluminense of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. And since 2006 I have collaborated with the NGO Criola, with which I coordinated the research entitled "When Rights Ring Hollow: Racism and Anti-racist Horizons in the Americas" in a collaborative project with the Antiracist Research and Action Network – RAIAR, funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation. My main academic interests lie in studies of Policing, Race, antiracism, Black women's activism, African Diaspora. My work has been awarded by different institutions including the Zora Neale Hurston awarded by the American Feminist Association of the American Anthropological Association and the TIAA Ruth Simms Hamilton Graduate Merit Fellowship awarded by the University of Wisconsin. My publications are: Black mothers' experiences of violence in Rio de Janeiro (Cultural Dynamics. v.24, p.59 - 73, 2012.); De-matar: Maternidade Negra como Ação Política na “Pátria Mãe (Gentil?)” (In: Antinegritude O Impossível Sujeito Negro na Formação Social Brasileira.1 ed.Chahoeira: Editora UFRB, 2015, p. 197-202); Black Women's Narratives of Genocide in Urban Rio de Janeiro (In: Black Political Imprisonment, Here & Now!, 2011, Austin. Digital Repository - Brazilian Campaigns against Genocide 2011)