Submitted by Andrew Batey on Fri, 28/04/2017 - 11:56
reporter and journalist of the weekly newspaper Trinchera and Diario Alternativo. He also has worked for the newspaper El Sur, La Jornada/El Sur, La Costa and El Faro de la Costa Chica among others. Phonographer, writer, and poet, but also member of the Trade Union and Cultural Promoter. He specialize in Afro India Culture of the Costa Chica in the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca. He has been a historian of Cuajinicuilapa, Guerrero. He has written the articles compilation called Los hijos del Machomula, Monografía de Cuiajinicuilapa, and also he wrote a compilations of called Preceptos de Juglaría and Dias Epigramáticos. He also has write a tales book Tres cuentos verdaderos.